Compass Community Care Inc
Bringing Compassionate Person-Centered Care to You
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Eligibility Requirements
HCBS-AMH focuses on three targeted populations. Applicants have to meet only one of the following targeted populations:
Long-term Hospitalization: A total of 1095 days in an in-patient psychiatric hospital during the 5 years before the referral.
Jail Diversion: 4 arrest and 2 psychiatric crises during the 3 years before the referral.
Emergency Room Diversion: 15 emergency room visits during the 3 years before the referral.
To Be Eligible, Applicants Must:
Have a primary diagnosis of a serious mental illness (SMI)
Be 18 years or older
Have income below 150% Federal Povery Level
Be able to live in the community with HCBS-AMH services
Meet clinical and functional criteria
Medicaid Eligible
If an individual is accessing these services, PHS will assist in the disenrollment: CLASS, DBMD, HCS, TxHml, YES or STAR+PLUS HCBS Waiver.
For more information on the HCBS-AMH programs provided by PHS, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services website: http://www.dshs.texas.gov/mhsa/hcbs-amh/